Thursday, 24 March 2011

Tara Smith Big Baby Gentle Shampoo & Conditioner

A few weeks ago i was kindly sent some shampoos to have a try of. The name Tara Smith has been doing the blogging rounds recently, but for any of my readers that aren't familiar of the name, she's a famous hairdresser that has cut the locks of many famous stars including Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and Orlando Bloom. 

Her new haircare range consists of four different shampoos and conditioners

Feed The Root
Big Baby 
Straight Away
C Curls

There are also styling products that work alongside these products

Base Coat Serum
Top Coat Glosser
Rock On Hard Hold Styling Gel

Tara Smith haircare range is completely natural and organic, only using 'friendly ingredients' that you would actually be happy putting in your hair. After doing lots of research recently, this is definitely a good thing for me as ive been persuaded to only buy natural shampoos and conditioners from now on.

The 'natural' smell in these products are somewhat of a change for hair care, and although having to adjust to putting something that smells so natural and pure in my hair, i soon got used to it, and actually enjoyed using.

The packaging is something i really like about the shampoo and conditioner. Its sturdy plastic bottles sit nicely on the shelf in the shower and last much longer than expected, and after use, they are easy enough to throw in the recycling box!

To find out more about the Tara Smith haircare range, click here and visit her website.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

How would i put a spring in my spring?

Afternoon girls.

In answer to Aussies question, heres how:

Get my barnet sorted. I want more choppy layers in my hair, so it looks nice again and not all grown out.

Finish uni, graduate and get a job that i actually enjoy! (lighten my mood!)

Go shoppinggggg, (Lighten my pockets for sure)

Get into a healthy eating kick, (Lighten my waist!) 

I want this spring to be the best one, because its my last one at uni with some amazing people ive spent the last 3 years of my life with. Play in the parks, take lots of photos and keep the student in me going for a couple more weeks. Ill be happy that way.

Probably a little off topic, but that would make my spring! :)

*You can enter yourself in to the aussie comp by clicking here and reading the details, and enter yourself in the form of a blogpost!*

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Hair Tutorial: Messy Side Bun

A hairstyle that im often wearing is a messy side bun. It works in either straight hair or curly hair and always looks good. 

I've also noticed loads of celebs rocking the messy side bun!

I generally straighten my hair first, just because it makes your hair slightly longer and neater. It doesn't have to be pin straight, but just tidy.

You Will Need:
 Hair grips

I hope this has been some use to you and you give it a go.

 I want to do more of these hair tutorials, but im not sure on the layout. Wether i should write over them, or maybe turn them into videos or something? Let me know what you think on the whole idea.

And if you do create the look, please take a picture and link me to it below! :) xx

Friday, 11 March 2011

Eco.Kid - The Review.

Last month, i made a post about the new shampoo id been given by a friend. Its by a brand called Eco.Kid
Theyre a company who create products for the 'body, hair, face and protection'. The main reason i was really interested in trying the shampoo was mainly because its sulphate free. Sulphate is a product that gets put in lots of things youll find around your house, ranging from your shampoo to floor cleaner. It helps get rid of oily surfaces, but in this, it can lead to being very harsh on your scalp. Its also the main thing in these products that cause them to bubble. Having a sulphate free shampoo is much better and healthier for your hair. Using a shampoo that isn't sulphate free can cause your hair to thin prematurely. This is most affects teenagers and women. 

Not only did the shampoo not have any sulphate, it was also free from any artificial ingredients, preservatives and fragrances. everything was natural. Which is actually a first for my hair care.

The first thing i noticed about the product was how strong the smell was. Especially for something so natural. After using it once or twice, i found that i actually quite enjoyed the smell. Some shampoos smell good, but after washing your hair you dont smell them anymore. With Eco.Kid i noticed it when i got out of the shower, when i was blow drying it and occasionally the next day or two. 

I used the same amount of shampoo as i would normally use (for a shampoo that contains sulphate), and with water, it lathered naturally in my hair. One thing ive never noticed with a shampoo before is how tangle-free and soft they have ever made my hair. This one seriously done that. every time i washed my hair. 
After about a month of using it and now having finished the bottle, im actually genuinely quite gutted. I think its one of the best shampoos ive ever used and i would definitely recommend the range to you. i feel like it has actually made my hair feel stronger, shinyer and lasts longer without needing to be washed.

I've only tried the shampoo in 'prevent' although i would have loved to have the conditioner too.

Although the line of products is more aimed at children and 'the family' and aimed at preventing headlice for kids, i don't think you necessarily need to take notice of that. I would happily buy it for myself.

Eco.Kid shampoo is avaliable from various online stores, however, the cheapest place i found it was feelunique and retails for £8.50 

Have any of you tried Ecko.Kid products? Do you think you would?

Rating: 5/5

*As stated in my last post, i was given this by a friend, Nothing to do with the company*

Jibber Jabber 009

Morning guys!

Just realised that once again its friday and i still havn't done a jibber jabber.

I know i keep talking about work, and im sure its boring you all half to death, but im literally finish off my dissertation as we speak. 10,000 words very nearly done. I need to sort out the contents and re-arrange some of the chapters, then finish my introduction and write my conclusion. so not much. With any luck i can get it printed and bound today ready to be handed in by monday night.  I also have another project needing to be done by monday @ 5pm though (it'll get done though!) so thats really why i've not been doing a great deal of blogging. (Sorry!)

Did you all check out that groupon offer i blogged about? it was such a good deal i thought i would share it with you all! i think it may have finished now though. But there are quite often some really good deals on there so always keep an eye out for them!

I think lots of the creatives at my uni will be going out on monday night. By monday, all the creative courses on my campus will have given in their dissertations, whereas some of the more academic lessons don't need to be given in till May. So as a big celebration im sure we'll be off out for a few drinks. Since the beginning of my 3rd year we all tend to go out as a class when we've handed in for a deadline, but its such a big day for everyone, im sure a lot of people are going to be celebrating. On top of that, i think me and Joe were talking about heading to Birmingham for the day so i can check out the Forever 21 store that im still yet to see. I bought some bits from their New York store when i was there last year, so i hope its similar.

I know ive been terrible at blogging recently, but i promise that i will be doing more from monday. I have some hair tutorials that i want to do, some creative bits and a couple of reviews of products ive recently been loving or finished up.

I also bought a couple of make-up bits the other day from love-makeup and mandmdirect. I bought a few stila pans for a baralicious (tacky word, i know!) price of 99p! couldnt believe my eyes. Im sure when they, and the other bits arrive, ill be showing them to you. You should check out the websites if you havn't already!

Right, thats all from me for now, but please stick with me for the next few days, then i'll back on track with my posting. Dont forget you can always folow me on twitter too! x

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Bargain Of The Day

Hi Guys, just a quick post to tell you about the offer Groupon are doing.

You buy a £9 voucher on their website, and get £20 to spend on ASOS

all information can be found here.

[The offer is on until tomorrow]

Im still deciding what to spend mine on. Maybe some summer clothes, or some fancy make-up?

-How it works-

You log onto the site and pay £9 to groupon, who, when the deal closes, will send you a code. When youve filled your shopping basket on asos to £21 [or over] worth of stuff, you go through the normal checkout and enter the groupon code into the box and the £20 gets deducted

Its too tempting to say no to!

So, what do you think you'll be buying?

Monday, 7 March 2011

Steph Loves: Nivea Softpot

You'll have to excuse the fact i call it a softpot. One of my best friends used to work in Savers, she got me into the stuff and we would just refer to it as softpot. (probably because you can buy it in a pot or tube..)

Anyway, im sure you'll have all seen this before. Its nothing glamorous, or top of the range, but its one of my beauty picks to always keep in your handbag!

Mines a bit battered and bruised from being thrown around so much.

Nivea is one of those safe brands that sit on the shelf and sell loads of products, but noone really thinks about how good they actually are..

the intensive moisturising cream is suitable for your face, hands and body. Its packed with vitamin E and Jojoba oil.
The formulation is just right. It leaves your skin feeling soft and supple and not greasy.

with the tube bring a handy 75ml its a perfect size for your handbag. Alternatively, you can now buy pots in 200ml or 300ml if you prefer them to stay at home.

I really can't rave about this product enough. If you want a cheap and cherful moisturising cream, then i really recomend the Nivea Soft range.


Sunday, 6 March 2011

A Bit Off Topic

I know this is so off topic, but i just found this photo on my laptop and i couldnt stop laughing. 
It was taken the end of March 2 years ago for my friends birthday when we were all still freshers. We all went out dressed up as him (unfortunatley he's not in the photo) but it was such a laugh! To think then how easy uni was and comparing it to now when all i seem to be doing is sat reading books all day is madness.
Anyway, my dissertation is due in next monday, hopefully ill be able to do a few more posts (not filled with silly pics) before then, but if not, then im sorry, youll have to stick with me, i really am trying to juggle everything at the moment.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Im trying to get my dissertation done, but its not going as well as id hoped. Today my plan was to get my books out and write a good thousand words then aim to do it again this evening. Ive done maybe a couple of hundred. I have no motivation at all. I pretty much always do my work on my bed or the floor. I have a desk, but its got loads of crap on it, and its not big enough anyway. On top of that, im still trying to adjust to both pairs of my glasses. Although they have the same prescription, the lenses feel different. My black ones that i wore in my last post feel beveled, so take a while to adjust to, and these purple ones (that match my hair?) are white inside and i cant quite ignore that yet. (im sure if your a spec wearer you understand?) i tend to wear my glasses all the time (i cant see in the distance) so its just easier as i have to wear them for driving anyway. So yeah, heres me (again) looking like a complete tramp in my jumper (and trackies that you cant see) trying to get something done.
I hope anyone else thats trying to get work/dissertation done is managing better than me. I know Victoria and Lily are both in the same boat, so im not alone.
Ps. To anyone doing a dissertation next year, i advise you start it straight away. (and pick a good subject!)

Anyone have any good tips on how to not procrastinate?


Spring is on its way!

I decided today that i wear browns/neutral colours on my nails too much.

Excuse the state of them :)
1 x base coat
2 x sleek Turquoise.

I havn't worn too many polishes by Sleek really. I have a few (mainly browns and neutrals) i thought id go for something different as it has been neglected. 2 coats covered my nails nicely, although the consistency was really runny.

Have any of you painted your nails summery colours recently? Im far too excited at the thought of summer, i'm fed up of the rain and cold.