Theyre a company who create products for the 'body, hair, face and protection'. The main reason i was really interested in trying the shampoo was mainly because its sulphate free. Sulphate is a product that gets put in lots of things youll find around your house, ranging from your shampoo to floor cleaner. It helps get rid of oily surfaces, but in this, it can lead to being very harsh on your scalp. Its also the main thing in these products that cause them to bubble. Having a sulphate free shampoo is much better and healthier for your hair. Using a shampoo that isn't sulphate free can cause your hair to thin prematurely. This is most affects teenagers and women.
Not only did the shampoo not have any sulphate, it was also free from any artificial ingredients, preservatives and fragrances. everything was natural. Which is actually a first for my hair care.
The first thing i noticed about the product was how strong the smell was. Especially for something so natural. After using it once or twice, i found that i actually quite enjoyed the smell. Some shampoos smell good, but after washing your hair you dont smell them anymore. With Eco.Kid i noticed it when i got out of the shower, when i was blow drying it and occasionally the next day or two.
I used the same amount of shampoo as i would normally use (for a shampoo that contains sulphate), and with water, it lathered naturally in my hair. One thing ive never noticed with a shampoo before is how tangle-free and soft they have ever made my hair. This one seriously done that. every time i washed my hair.
After about a month of using it and now having finished the bottle, im actually genuinely quite gutted. I think its one of the best shampoos ive ever used and i would definitely recommend the range to you. i feel like it has actually made my hair feel stronger, shinyer and lasts longer without needing to be washed.
I've only tried the shampoo in 'prevent' although i would have loved to have the conditioner too.
Although the line of products is more aimed at children and 'the family' and aimed at preventing headlice for kids, i don't think you necessarily need to take notice of that. I would happily buy it for myself.
Eco.Kid shampoo is avaliable from various online stores, however, the cheapest place i found it was feelunique and retails for £8.50
Have any of you tried Ecko.Kid products? Do you think you would?
Rating: 5/5
*As stated in my last post, i was given this by a friend, Nothing to do with the company*
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