Friday, 21 January 2011

Jibber Jabber 003

Can't believe it's friday already!

Havn't really got up to much recently, so this will be a pretty short post. Today im trying to focus on my dissertation, although i do keep veering onto my e-mails, twitter and facebook occasionally! 

My uni briefs are going well and my lecturer told me he liked my ideas, so i just need to get some photos taken and edited and i'm almost done! Can't really believe it. I know i keep banging on about the D&AD and YCN briefs, but if your into creative subjects and you havn't heard about them, its worth having a look! I'm finding it hard to get back into my old routine after being off for about a month. This semester i just need to get my head down and work work work!

I'm really sorry i havn't put my giveaway up yet and i keep rambling on about it. I'm hoping to get it up within the next week. I just want to make sure i have things you will all like. :)

Also, i will try my hardest to do some better posts over the weekend. I want to do some work, but i also need to go to town. I think i might buy some new clothes and a few other bits before i have to pay my rent! ha.

Lastly, It would have been one of my friend's 21st birthday today had she still have been here, so share a thought for everyone thats not about anymore <3

I hope you all have a nice weekend! Anything planned?


  1. thanks for visiting my blog! i can't believe it's friday already as well. this week flew by for me so fast!! eeks! hope you have an awesome weekend!!!

  2. I know what you mean, this weeks gone so fast! Have a great weekend xx


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, i try my hardest to reply to all the messages i get, so come back soon to see what i have to say x