Sunday, 23 January 2011

What Does Steph Think: Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment

As some of you will know,  back in November i bought a few products by Lee Stafford when they were on offer in boots, i finished the hair treatment the other day, so i thought it was about time for a review.

Although i can't say that i can see my hair has grown a considerable amount, i still think its quite a good product. The smell isn't the most pleasant, but its something that i found easy to get used to, and by the time the pot was coming to and end, i didn't really notice it that much. 
the directions said that you were to use about an egg-sized amount and spread it evenly through your hair and massage into your roots. Generally i left it on for about 5 minutes or so and then washed it out to have really, really soft, tangle-free hair. It did seem to be more manageable and a healthy, so in that aspect, it definitely a plus. Although for a drugstore brand, it is priced at £7.14 for 200ml. (you can generally pick up a Tresemme one for around £5)

Would i buy it again? If it was on offer. I don't think its worth £7.
Rating: 7/10

Have you tried this? What do you think of it?


  1. nice review! i havent tried this. although i dont think i would because as a hair growth treatment i dont beleive it lol! but for a mask for my hair i would :)

  2. As a mask it was pretty good, but yeah, as a hair growth treatment, i couldnt really see much difference. x

  3. i actually posted a review on this product today too lol
    i love it and actually enjoy the smell
    it really worked amazing onme so i was shocked to read that it didnt do much as far as the growth-part for you
    but i guess peeps work in differant ways lol
    and you can ofcourse still be happy it atleast made your hair healthier :)

  4. I've tried this product. I actually like the scent and think Lee Stafford came out with a fragrance of this :D

    I couldn't see much growth with this but my mane felt much more manageable. Great review, girrrrrl! xx


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