Sunday, 12 December 2010

Mens Gift Guide

Evening Girls!

With xmas coming up, i thought i would compile a few things that may be good gifts for boyfriends/friends/dads or brothers. Hopefully there's something for everyone. Everything is linked below.


What are you thinking of buying the guys in your life this xmas?


  1. Boys are so hard to buy for, I've run out of ideas for my Dad and Brother now.

  2. I bought some sweet after shave and a adidas perfume ( both from adidas) and he loves it <3
    I know a lot of boys caus I'm living in one house with my boyfriend (: so I'm lucky if I need to buy apresent

  3. thanks for the comment and the link to your site! its absolutely gorgeous! I didnt eeven know benefit did any media advertisement and that's great to hear that they're the 2nd best! ahah! definitely going to follow i hope you do the same to our blog! :D

  4. great post! i have no idea waht to get my boyfriend! ugh!


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