Thursday, 12 May 2011

Soap And Glory: Flake Away

I bought Flake Away on a whim really. Needing to find something to help get rid of the dryness i get around my elbows and various other parts of my body i looked around Boots and saw this sat on a shelf. After reading a few reviews about it previously i thought i may as well give it a try as it was only about £2.50.

 This is the first product by Soap and Glory i've ever tried (shock!) and i have to admit that i thought it was just a brand everyone thought was ok but knew there were better alternatives. How wrong could i be? Okay, so i know this is the first product of theirs i've tried, but it really has impressed me. It smells beautiful and works like a dream!
i followed the instructions to use it on damp skin, and 'massage in circular motions' it really didn't feel too grainy and it didn't take long at all, all day i've been getting whiffs of the ingredients (Shea butter, sugar and peach seed) and better yet, my skin feels amazing.

If you haven't already tried this product then i really recommend you do. Its available at Boots for about £2.30. 


  1. ooo might give this a whirl, i love soap and glory packaging might have never tried anything! xxxx

  2. I use it as well! I had a rare moment where I stopped, because I started getting a rash, but luckily it was from a cream and not this product. Honestly, after years of going for body wraps at the salon, I became an addict to how my skin felt afterwards. I bought this on sale, surprisingly, without knowing anything about it, just that Soap and Glory was amazing. It's the best product I've ever washed myself with. I love that feeling of being exfoliated and moisturized from one product. I can skip my body lotion if I'm in a rush thanks to this product. I absolutely love this stuff, and swear by it!!


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