Friday, 25 February 2011

And The Winner Is..

Hi Guys.
Im so sorry i haven't posted much recently. Life has been manic with uni work mainly. Dissertation deadline is closing in, as is a couple of projects and things have just suddenly been really busy. Im trying so hard at the moment to find time to blog.

Anyway, the winner of the Batiste giveaway is...


Well done Hannah, i'm just about to email you now to get your details so i can post your goodies off to you.

Thank you everyone for entering, i'm sure ill be running another giveaway sometime in the future. xx


  1. Congratulations ;)

    Follow me if u want:
    I'm following u now ;)
    xoxo ;*

  2. congrats to the winner. By the way, I moved to and am now also having a tiny giveaway


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, i try my hardest to reply to all the messages i get, so come back soon to see what i have to say x