Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Jibber Jabber 002

After finishing Gavin and Stacey (which i undoubtedly talked about in my last Jibber Jabber) i've been watching Gossip Girl with my sister. Almost finished series 3 (still not done uni work as i'm sure you've worked out by now!) We have like 2 episodes left and don't own series 4 (yet!)
Still waiting for Amazon to deliver The american Office that i ordered over a week ago. I've lost all faith in them after something i ordered for my mum (for xmas) never arrived (still hasn't now!) Also waiting on other orders in the post. Is something going on with Royal Mail or are they being slow/on an xmas backlog? its so frustrating. 

I go back to uni on Sunday. As much as im looking forward to seeing my friends and being back in my lovely house, i kind of just want to stay here. Im fed up of that student bubble of having no money and scrimping and saving left, right and centre. I know when its all over in May/June though i'll be mega sad. 

I've been looking for graduate jobs recently so i spent last night trying to perfect my CV. I'm rubbish at things like that, especially seen as im applying for graduate jobs (or "proper jobs" as i think of them!), they don't want to know about retail and bar work do they?! 

The people in the Apple shop in Milton Keynes shop weren't really too helpful. They kept me waiting quite a while and the guy that dealt with me basically just told me to buy a new one. The good thing is that they had been reduced to £101, but i'll still be buying a cheaper one online. Im not made of money!

This is something that is seriously annoying the hell out of me..My Blackberry. Its favourite thing to do is freeze. Especially after being charged (then loosing it all the next day) I've had it for just over a year now, and still have another year to go...great!

Have you all noticed the new layout and difference in photos? what do you think of it? I don't want the images to flood the pages too much! let me know if you think they're too big or if they look ok. I'm desperate to re-do the banner at the top again because its really annoying me, and im thinking of getting rid of the pink.

A few to follow this week: Emma, Lucy, Kirsty and Dan


  1. I like the big pics! im considering changing mine too, ohh i loveee gossip girl, my bf bought my seasono 1-3 for my bday but still havnt gotten round to watching it all yet, I caught a bit of season 4 and clemence posey is in it, shes jsut amazing!

  2. I love the big pictures, they are much more clearer and I don't think you should change the colour, just make it look more baby pink, like mine is like light blue :) xx

  3. I love watching Office..I so hope you will recive your order:) Wish you a lovely day

    ps: I am hosting a sweet necklace GIVEAWAY today :) ... Please, join in!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, i try my hardest to reply to all the messages i get, so come back soon to see what i have to say x