Monday, 15 November 2010

A glittery combination

So right now its the thing i'm loving. Having pretty colours on my nails and being able to spend however long making them that way. Its a kind of relaxation thing for me i guess. (and a way of avoiding my dreaded uni work!)
Anyway, seen as i havn't done a "proper" post in a while, here's one for you to enjoy.

Barry M Mushroom with GOSH Rainbow on top.

2 coats of barry m, 1 coat of gosh

Also i just wanted to say sorry for the little posts i have been doing recently, i'm still trying to get this blog off the ground, but with a very limited amount of followers im feeling a bit unmotivated. Especially seen as i have loads to do at university too (3 projects and a dissertation) anyway, if you enjoy the blog, please follow it as it gives me more encouragement and i really do enjoy doing this. And maybe spread the word? 

What colours are you loving making glittery?

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, i try my hardest to reply to all the messages i get, so come back soon to see what i have to say x