Sunday, 12 September 2010

Applying Nail Varnish - The Right Way!

Although its easy to just slap the paint on your nails, it will last longer if you do it using a base coat and top coat. This is protecting the nail from staining and the top coat traps the colour and in theory should be the first layer to chip, rather than the colour.

First thing to do, is always to wipe down your nails using nail varnish remover. If you have acrylics on and decide you want to paint over them, try to use nail varnish that doesn't have acetone in it. This is the stuff you want to use to get them off! Weather or not your already wearing varnish, you should always use it. t takes off the dirt from your nail so you dont paint over any nasty bits, and obviously the brush will end up back in the pot and the nasty bits will just circulate and go back on your nail.
Use a base coat. This helps protect your nail from any staining and smoothes out if youve got chips in your nails. Apply one or two layers of this. (Normally it will be clear, pink or white in colour.)
Apply your nail varnish. The darker the shade the more careful you want to be with the amount of layers you apply. Although your base coat helps prevent staining, is not 100% effective.
Apply a top coat. This is to trap in the colour and make it stick. It will also be the first thing to chip, meaning your colour should last longer on your nail. Two coats of top coat are recommended. This will appear clear on your nail.

How do you all paint your nails? x

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